Pathein Umbrella

Myanmar parasols have their origin in Pathein, a town in the Delta Region. Hence their name - Pathein Htee in Myanmar Language. In fact, it also is produced elsewhere in the country.

The covering of parasols at first was paper to be replaced later by cotton, silk and taffeta. Oil -Soaked cloth is good for long lasting use.
The main raw materials for a Pathein umbrella are wood and bamboo. For the umbrella ribs, locally grown Thara Khu bamboo is used. However, it's not enough for it to just be Thara Khu bamboo. The age of the bamboo must also be considered.
For the umbrella canopy, cotton, silk, or cloth is used.

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Myanmar Traditional Decoration Toy - "Pyit-Taing-Htaung" (Set)
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Myanmar - No. (3F/B), Thar Yar Shwe Pyi Yeik Mon, Thar Yar Shwe Pyi Street, Ward (16), Yan Kin Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
+959 9684 31157
Thailand - 32/13 Soi Aree 2 Road Phaholythin Phayathai, Bangkok, Thailand.
+66 9299 12450
Singapore - 111 North Bridge Road, #04-41, Peninsula Plaza, Singapore 179098, Singapore.
+65 8189 5472
Italy - Via Baltimora 47/4, TO 10137, Torino, Italy.
+39 348 797 4815